Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Ready for LoVe ?

                               Dont forget Valentines

             Any excuse  for a little Bear LoVing

 Made locally.. Beautiful Vegan skin care range by Daisy Diva

Time to sparkle

Lots of fabulous fairly traded pressies

Sandalwood and rose Bath salts

 made with love

 works of love.. 

by our local artist, poet and friend 

 Ian Emberson

Lots of Beautiful gift ideas for yourself or some one  extra special......

Come and visit our beautiful shop in the magical town of Todmorden.
Be lovely to see you ... 
 Yummy Bear LoVe xxx

Saturday, 26 January 2013

BeaR LoVe

We would like to thank our Beautiful Friend and Herbalist Christine Haughton for her visit last Monday. Braving the snow she came with a wealth of knowledge and a big beautiful smile.  The Bears and our customers are really grateful for her time and energy, and hope to see her again soon xx 

Christine will be sending  a range of  Herbal Health information leaflets to the shop,  keeping you happy, healthy and informed during the winter months..  Thanks Lovie x

Heres a little something for you... Teddy LoVe 

Will my InCredibly long tongue reach the east coast for Kisses?

Brrrrrr..Underbelly snowballs! 
Keep Warm and Happy xx Bear LoVE

Next weeks veggies 28th Jan

Beetroot..70p 500gm
Purple sprouting broccoli..£1.25 250gm
Savoy cabbage..£1.20 each
Rainbow carrots 70p 500gm
Green kale.. £1.50 bag
Robinta potatoes.. £1.50 250gm
chestnut mushrooms £1.50 250gm
Cauliflower..£1.75 each


Red Chilli peppers..£1.50 250gm
Sweet potatoes..£1.80 500gm
Vine tomatoes..£2.40 500gm
Has advocado 90p each
Butternut squash..£1.50 500gm
 Jerusalem artichoke..£1.50 250gms


Jerusalem artichokes have a distinctive sweet, earthy flavour. They can be added to soups, stews, stir frys or roasted by themselves. There`s no need to peel  them just scrub them clean and chop, slice or grate.

Health benefits
Jerusalem artichokes have historically been used as a dietary supplement for people suffering from diabetes and other pancreatic complaints to reduce blood sugar levels and minimize the need for insulin.
Unlike the potato where its starch breaks down to glucose affecting blood sugar, the Jerusalem Artichoke is high in inulin which only breaks down to fructose in the colon. As a result, they have a very low glycemic index and barely affect blood sugar levels. They are also high in the prebiotic FOS (Fructo Oligo Saccharide) which helps to build good gut flora and to balance yeast in the body and gut. Inulin, the carbohydrate found in Jerusalem artichokes, is counted as a prebiotic because it is not readily digestible. Inulin is different from insulin but perhaps mimics it. Historically, the effects of inulin on humans include the relief of constipation, lowering of blood glucose levels, improvement of calcium absorption, reduction of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol and the inhibition of the growth of various kinds of cancer. 

Jerusalem artichoke Gratin


1 ½ lbs jerusalem artichokes
½ oz butter
½ oz flour
½ pint of milk
4 oz grated cheddar
½ teaspoon dijon or english mustard
salt to taste
lemon juice
breadcrumbs for the topping

Scrub the artichokes. Drop into a pan of salted water to which has been    added a little lemon juice.
Boil gently until just tender. Drain well and turn into a ovenproof dish.
Make the cheese sauce by melting the butter in a pan and adding the flour.  Blend well and let the roux cook for a minute of two over a low flame.
Add the the milk, 3 oz of the grated cheese and mustard along with salt and pepper and stir constantly until the sauce thickens.
Pour the cheese sauce over the artichokes, sprinkle the top with breadcumbs and the other 1 oz of grated cheese.
Brown under a hot grill or the the top part of an hot oven for about 20 minutes Serve piping hot.mmmmMMmmmm Scrummy


celery..£1.75 each
Garlic 75p each
Clementine s..£1.00 250gm

Navel oranges..£1.80 500gm
Non EUGinger.£1.25

HaVe A BeauTiful WeeK Bear LoVe

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Next Weeks Organic Veggies 21st Jan

Huge Selection of Organic Fruit and veg



Beetroot..70p 500gm

Purple sprouting broccoli..£1.25 250gm

Savoy cabbage..£1.20 each

Rainbow carrots 70p 500gm

Green kale.. £1.50 bag

Robinta potatoes.. £1.50 250gm

chestnut mushrooms £1.50 250gm 

Cauliflower..£1.75 each

EURed peppers..£1.40 250gm

Sweet potatoes..£1.80 500gm

Vine tomatoes..£2.40 500gm

Has advocado 90p each

Butternut squash..£1.50 500gm 

celery..£1.75 each

Garlic 75p each

Clementine s..£1.00 250gmNavel oranges..£1.80 500gm 

Non EUGinger.£1.25 100gmFresh turmeric £2.00..100gm 


                    Don't  forget Monday 21st...Jan

                  *Herbalist in the house*

 Book now for a chat with our very special friend and incredible   herbalist  CHRISTINE HAUGHTON. She will be visiting our beautiful shop 10.30-3.30 (weather permitting!!)    

Keep warm and HaPpy Bear LoVe xx  

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Baby Bear

Baby Bear's 1st Christmas!

yehay we are nearly there.. Lots of great advice remedies, products and scrummy recipes for your little Bears this space......

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Monday 21st January

Our beautiful friend and medical herbalist Christine Haughton will be visiting us on

 Monday 21st January 10.30-3.30

 If you would like to have a consultation with Christine please call to book a place.Places are limited so book early. 

Christine will be available to prescribe you with herbal remedies we are no longer able sell in the shop.

Hope to see you x Bear LoVE ..xx


This weeks fruit and veggies

                        Organic Fruit And Veg 


Beetroot..70p 500gm

celery..£1.75 each

Purple sprouting broccoli..£1.25 250gm

Savoy cabbage..£1.20 each

Rainbow carrots 70p 500gm

Green kale.. £1.50 bag

Jonagold apples..£1.75 500gm

Robinta potatoes.. £1.50 250gm

chestnut mushrooms £1.50 250gm


Garlic 75p each

Red peppers..£1.40 250gm

We love peppers

Butternut Squash..£1.40 250gm

Sweet potatoes..£1.80 500gm

Vine tomatoes..£2.40 500gm

Has advocado 90p each

Clementines..£1.00 250gm

Navel oranges..£1.80 500gm


Ginger.£1.25 100gm

Fresh tumeric£2.00 100gm

£2.50  delivery charge on orders under £20


Monday, 7 January 2013

HAPPY 2013

Happy New Year Beautiful People

Heres to an amazing one

Ready for a New Years Detox  Teddy?

Coming Soooooon...... New years Remedies... delicious recipes,Bear News and advice

AND wait for it...  our lovely Bear Emma, who recently had a Beautiful baby boy, will be writing  a  BABY BEAR BLOG... how exciting!!

            More EXCITING NEWS........ 

Monday 21st January. Our Lovely friend and amazing medical herbalist Christine Haughton will be in the shop from 10.00 -3.30 for lots of advice.. Thanks lovie x
Keep warm and Happy.. Bear LoVe